
The Secrets Of Building A Breathtaking Coral Farm Of Your Own!

by Brian Dunleavy
The Secrets Of Building A Breathtaking Coral Farm Of Your Own!

The stunning visual impact aside, corals play an important role in maintaining the health of our oceans. These marine invertebrates provide home and refuge for a diverse range of other marine organisms like fishes, crustaceans and other invertebrates. Besides, corals are responsible for enhancing overall biodiversity on earth and sustaining marine ecosystems.

Why Set Up A Coral Farm?

Setting up a coral farm has many advantages apart from just enjoying these enchanting creatures’ beauty which contributes to coral conservation. It’s possible to sustainably harvest or grow corals by means of coral farming that can reduce wild-caught coral needs and help preserve natural coral reefs.

Establishing your own coral farm provides you with an opportunity to create beautiful underwater landscapes in your house that are different from others. Just imagine waking up everyday with vibrant colors and complex patterns that make up your reef aquarium!

Coral farming can be profitable too - as the demand for aquarium corals continues to rise; consequently, through nurturing them yourself, you can supply hobbyists and aquarium stores with healthy corals while harvesting sustainably.


The Best Location For Your Coral Farm

When selecting the best location for your coral farm, there are some considerations you should take note of: 


Corals must receive natural light or have LED reef lights installed in order to provide them with adequate coral lighting they need for photosynthesis and growth. Make sure that the reef tank is not placed in direct sunlight because it can cause extreme temperature changes as well as increased algae growth.

Temperature Stability

Fluctuations of water temperatures should be minimized to keep corals healthy. Keep tanks away from drafty areas, heating vents, and direct air currents through windows and doors.

Water Quality

Change water regularly. Don’t locate the tank near possible sources of contamination such as cleaning agents or pollutants that could diffuse in the aquarium water. 

Space and Accessibility

It’s necessary to ensure there is enough room for a coral tank including space required for feeding, water changes, reef equipment adjustments, and any other maintenance operations.

Electrical Outlets

Have outlets nearby where you place your aquarium so that you can use heaters, filtration systems as well as other aquarium gadgets in it. Provision of waterproof connections and drip loops prevents electrical hazards.

Visibility and Enjoyment

For example, the fish tank might be located right in your living room area where you can see its bright colors and lively movements clearly. Another alternative would be placing the tank in a home office or an entire room dedicated to aquariums.


The location selected should have a firm base for the tank to avoid any risks of falling or damage.

Building A Small Coral Farm

Once you know where exactly your coral farm will be situated, it’s time to start building its infrastructure. Depending on the size and scope of your project it might range from a simple aquarium setup to a more complex system like we have at Reefco Aquariums. 

The heart of your coral farm’s setup is the tank or tanks that will house your corals. These should be built with excellent materials and have the capability to contain as many corals as you want.

Apart from this, a filtration system will also be necessary to maintain water quality, lightings for providing the necessary light spectrum for growth of coral, and a water circulation system which imitates natural currents.

If you are unsure where to start when designing a coral farm or need help with aquarium installations, the Reefco Team are experts in this field and would be more than happy to help! 


Coral Farming: The Equipment and Supplies

To run a coral farm successfully, you will need:

  • An aquarium or a coral frag tank
  • Filtration system (protein skimmer, mechanical and biological filtration)
  • Lighting system (LED or T5 lights suitable for coral growth)
  • Water circulation pumps
  • Heating and cooling devices (where necessary)
  • Test kits for monitoring water parameters (pH, temperature, salinity etc.)
  • Fragging tools for coral propagation
  • Quarantine tanks for new corals 
  • Live rock or artificial reef structures upon which to place corals
  • Coral food and other nutrition supplements.

Selecting & Acquiring Coral Species For Your Farm

One of the most exciting aspects of coral farming is selecting the species that will populate your coral farm. The trade in aquariums offers such an incredible variety of corals; each with its unique qualities as well as care needs.

Having the right coloration is one aspect to consider when selecting corals for your marine aquarium. Other factors include growth rate and compatibility with other species. 

There are several ways you can find live corals like buying from reputable coral farms (like us), hobbyist friends, or online vendors. Always go for sustainable sources when purchasing any livestock while avoiding non-sustainable wild collected specimens.

Maintaining Your Coral Farm

Coral farming also requires proper maintenance in order to keep your corals in good health. Below are some basic practices you should be aware of:

  • Regular water testing
  • Water changes
  • Proper coral lighting
  • Feeding corals and supplementation - some species of corals require supplemental feeding while others rely only on photosynthesis. Understand the nutritional needs of each coral species and provide appropriate coral food or supplements.
  • Fragging and propagation - there may be times when it will be necessary to frag your corals to maintain their health or control their size. Acquire proper skills on fragging so as to ensure its successful propagation.

Troubleshooting Common Issues In Coral Farming

Coral bleaching: Where corals get rid of its photosynthetic algae resulting in loss of color; this often occurs due to factors such as temperature fluctuations or high nutrient levels. You should identify the problem and provide optimal conditions for them to recover from stressors.

Algae overgrowth: When there is excessive growth of algae in a reef tank, it negatively affects coral growth. A balanced nutrient level can be maintained by using a protein skimmer and other systems meant for nutrient control.

Coral aggression: To prevent aggression, always check if they are compatible. 

Disease & Pests: Observe your corals closely for any indications of ill-health/coral diseases or parasites like discolored tissues (like corals turning brown), wounds, or strange behavior. In order to avoid the spread of diseases in your coral farm, always quarantine new corals before introducing them into your aquarium. This also prevents any unwanted saltwater aquarium hitchhikers

Legal Considerations With Coral Farming

Before starting your coral farming, it is essential to be conversant with legal aspects concerning trade and possession of corals. Coral farming laws and regulations vary from country to country and even within states or regions. Ensure that you adhere to all relevant regulations and secure any necessary permits.

In addition, know about the moral issues associated with coral farming. Avoid obtaining or selling coral unlawfully extracted from natural reefs or protected zones.

By practicing environmentally friendly coral farming practices that are also responsible, you can contribute to the preservation of these habitats which are so precious.


Establishing your own stunning coral farm is a very rewarding experience. This way, not only do you get to enjoy their beauty in your living space but also help in preserving them as well as converting this passion into a booming business possibly.

If you want to know more about setting up your own coral farm or are looking for some coral frags to get you started, do not hesitate to contact the team at Reefco Aquariums

by Brian Dunleavy