
The Benefits Of Adding Mangrove Root To Reef Aquariums

by Brian Dunleavy
The Benefits Of Adding Mangrove Root To Reef Aquariums

Mangrove roots are creating quite the buzz in the aquarium world, but you may be thinking, “How do swamp plants play a role in a reef aquarium?” Well, these incredible plants have much more to offer than just being one of nature’s most valuable waterfront plants.

Mangrove root can transform any reef aquarium into a thriving ecosystem that will benefit your saltwater fish and corals - let’s dive straight in!

What Are Mangrove Roots?

Mangrove roots have incredible and fascinating biology that we should understand. They are nature’s ultimate survivors - thriving in extreme coastal conditions where many plants would not even try to grow. 

Over the years, mangroves have developed a unique root system that allows them to live in salty and oxygen-depleted soils. Their roots, especially the part we find in aquariums, are specially adapted to face these challenges head-on. The tiny roots (prop roots or aerial roots) contain small pores called lenticels, which allow them to breathe even when they are fully submerged in water. 

But that’s not all. These roots are not just passive pieces of wood, which is where they get really interesting for us reef enthusiasts. Mangrove roots are living, breathing organisms that continue to function even when they are removed from the tree. Inside your reef aquarium, they will keep functioning how they do best! Mangrove roots can filter water and provide shelter for a wide range of aquarium critters while supporting a diverse marine ecosystem. 

On the outside, the surface of the mangrove root acts as a bustling city for beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to thrive. These critters form biofilms which play a vital role in nutrient cycling and water purification inside your tank. So, I suppose you could say that mangrove root is like having a natural, self-sustaining filtration system!

The Benefits Of Mangrove Roots For Fish & Invertebrates

Recreating Natural Habitats

Many fish inside reef aquariums originate from coastal areas in the ocean where mangroves are typically abundant. Therefore, by adding mangrove roots, you are essentially recreating a slice of their natural habitat, making them feel more at home. 


If you are experienced at keeping fish, you will notice that fish love hiding spots, and mangrove roots provide plenty. The complex structure of mangrove roots creates lots of nooks and crannies where fish can dart to, should they feel slightly shy or stressed. The shelter and security that mangrove roots provide are especially key for smaller or shy fish that can easily become bullied by other tank mates. 

Breeding Grounds

Mangrove root also plays a fantastic role in creating breeding grounds for fish species looking for a prime location for laying their eggs. The maze-like root structure provides protected areas where fish can develop without being disturbed or eaten by predators. So, if you’ve invested in breeding fish inside your reef aquarium, mangrove roots might just be the love nest for your tank!

Foraging Time

Earlier we touched upon biofilms, well, they’re not just beneficial for water quality. Many fish and invertebrates (particularly groupers and shrimp) love to graze on the tiny organisms that grow on mangrove roots. 

Reducing Stress

As mentioned above, mangrove roots create a more natural environment, which generally means that your tank inhabitants will be less stressed. And we all know what that means - less stress results in more colorful and healthier fish that will create epic displays. 

The Benefits Of Mangrove Root For Corals

Water Quality

In the ocean, mangrove roots are nature’s natural water purifiers. These amazing plants absorb excess nutrients (such as phosphates and nitrates) which may be harmful to corals. By adding mangrove roots into your aquarium, you are likely to notice better water quality which creates a more stable environment for your corals to thrive. 

pH Control & Stabilization

If you are an experienced coral keeper, you will know how picky corals are with water chemistry, particularly pH levels. Mangrove roots are known to stabilize pH levels as they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (O2) during photosynthesis. The respiration process therefore helps buffer against pH fluctuations, keeping your corals healthy. 

Trace Elements

Trace elements such as zinc, iron, and manganese are essential for healthy coral growth and boosting coral coloration. Mangrove root has the ability to release beneficial trace elements into the water acting like a slow-release multivitamin for your aquarium. 

Better Water Flow

Because of its complex structure, mangrove roots can create varied water flow patterns inside your aquarium. This adds diverse flow which is fantastic for corals, especially as different coral species have different flow preferences. When placing mangrove roots inside your aquarium, take into account the location so that your corals receive the correct flow - for SPS corals, an area of higher flow is more beneficial, while LPS corals and soft corals are a little bit more fragile and would prefer a more gentle current. 

Organic Material Source

As mangrove roots slowly decompose, they release organic compounds into the water which in moderation, is beneficial for reef aquariums. The organic material can supply the beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms with the nutrients needed, contributing to a healthy and diverse microbiome inside your aquarium. 

How To Set Up Mangrove Roots Inside An Aquarium?

Are you excited to add some mangrove roots to your aquarium? Here are some tips to get you started!

  1. First, choose your mangrove root wisely. Look for pieces of mangrove root that are well-cured and that don’t have any signs of pest infestation, reef hitchhikers, or root rot. 
  2. Next, prepare the root. Soak the mangrove root in freshwater for a few days, changing the water every day. This will help remove any excess tannins, plus it ensures the root is thoroughly waterlogged. 
  3. Then you need to consider placement. You will want to place the mangrove root so that it creates interesting swim-throughs and varied water flow patterns. For more information on placement and aquascaping tips, check out our article HERE.
  4. Remember, be patient. Mangrove root can take a few weeks before you see the full benefits. Just like anything else inside your tank, it takes time for the mangrove root to establish itself inside your aquarium’s ecosystem. 
  5. Finally, keep an eye on water parameters, especially in the first couple of weeks after adding the mangrove root. 


And there you have it - the lowdown on why you may want to add mangrove root to your aquarium. From creating natural habitats and reducing fish stress to boosting essential nutrients for corals and improving water quality - mangrove roots are the unsung heroes of the reef aquarium world. 

If you would like to know more about mangrove root or would like some guidance on how to add it to your reef aquarium, contact the ReefCo Aquarium team - we are always happy to help and provide expert advice for your specific tank’s needs!

by Brian Dunleavy