
Tetraselmis Chui: A Functional Food

by Brian Dunleavy
Tetraselmis Chui: A Functional Food


In the reefing hobby we can often overlook the small details. While it's common to focus on lighting, aquarium equipment, and managing water parameters, one often forgotten component is good nutrition. 

At Reefco Aquariums, we have made it our mission to provide reef-keepers the best quality nutritional food and supplements, and sitting at top is one of our microscopic powerhouses Tetraselmis chui. Keep reading to find out why Tetraselmis chui should be in every reef keeper's aquarium supply cabinet!


Tetraselmis chui

Tetraselmis chui is a single-celled phytoplankton species that comes from the class Prasinophyceae. This marine microalgae is extremely small, measuring only a minute 10-14 micrometers in diameter. But don't let its small size fool you as what it lacks in size it makes up for in its insane nutritional value and versatility in reef aquarium ecosystems. 

Tetraselmis chui is identified by its bright green color, distinctive cell wall made of scales, and four flagella - these are whip-like structures that allow Tetraselmis chui to swim rapidly in water, allowing it to change direction quickly. If the conditions allow, Tetraselmis chui can also anchor themselves to live rock and other parts of the aquascape, quickly forming biofilms for algae-eating reef fish and other grazing marine organisms. 

In the ocean Tetraselmis chui plays a key role in the marine food chain. It provides nutritious food for various filter feeders (like clams and corals), and many larval marine species such as copepods and brine shrimp. 

Conditions For  Tetraselmis Chui

Tetraselmis cui has adapted to standard reef aquarium conditions:

  • Temperature: 78-80 °F
  • Salinity: 1.026

Tetraselmis chui thrives under high light intensity. This lighting stimulates enhanced lipid production in the Tetraselmis chui's cells. 

What we find fascinating is when Tetraselmis chui experiences phosphorus or nitrogen limitations they start stockpiling polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). What this means is that when you add Tetraselmis to your aquarium, the specialized cells immediately start turning into perfect packets of concentrated nutrition. 


Nutritional Profile Of Tetraselmis Chui

The nutritional profile of Tetraselmis chui is exceptional - it has a high fatty acid content that serves as a vital cellular fuel for marine marine organisms. 

Tetraselmis chui also excels at producing the 'nutritional gold' compounds in the ocean - arachidonic acid (ARA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosenoic acid (EPA). It can also provide essential sterols such as 24-methyl cholesterol and 24-methylene cholesterol that are vital for marine animals to construct hormones. 

But that's not all...These nutritional powerhouses are capable of producing an array of pigments that can serve multiple functions:

  • Accelerate oxygen absorption
  • Act as potent antioxidants
  • Enhance the natural color of fish and corals


Tetraselmis Chui In Aquariums

In a closed system like a reef aquarium, Tetraselmis chui also supports system health. When you add Tetraselmis chui they provide the following:

  • Direct Nutritional Source: Tetraselmis chui provide direct nutrition to all filter-feeding organisms like corals, sponges, porcelain crabs, and fan worms. 
  • Live Food Enhancement: If your main tank or aquarium refugium has any rotifers, brine shrimp, artemia, or copepods, Tetraselmis chui can provide additional nutrient enrichment. 
  • Water Quality Improvements: When Tetraselmis chui cells remain uneaten, they actively break down nitrates, phosphates, ammonia, and carbon dioxide, acting as a natural aquarium filter. 
  • Biofilm Formations: As mentioned earlier, Tetraselmis chui can settle on surfaces and create nutritious biofilms for aquarium cleanup crew such as urchins and snails. 
  • Waste Reduction: Tetraselmis chui can grow without light (although light is preferred), allowing it to consume organic waste and help process dissolved organic compounds in the water. 

Tetraselmis Chui As Natural Disease Prevention

The latest studies have shown the remarkable role Tetraselmis chui has in disease prevention. Evidence has emerged that it can produce antimicrobial compounds that suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. One particular study found that Tetraselmis chui could extract the growth of Vibrio species - a nasty pathogen which can be deadly to fish, corals, and marine invertebrates. 

So, could regular dosing of Tetraselmis chui also play a role in preventing or treating coral and fish diseases? While more research is needed, the evidence is certainly promising. 

Adding Tetraselmis Chui To Aquariums

Dosing Guidelines

  1. Shake the bottle before use.

  2. Shut off any return pumps, protein skimmers, and UV sterilizers 20 minutes before dosing your aquarium.

  3. You can either broadcast or target feed Rhodomonas salina, or you can combine it with frozen or powdered aquarium foods. When Rhodomonas salina is mixed with powdered feeds it can help stimulate feeding behavior, improving the effectiveness of other saltwater aquarium foods. 

Dosage Guide

  • 2-5mls per gallon of water

  • Dose 5-7 times a week depending on your bioload

Maintenance Tips

  • Swirl the bottle 2-3 times a week

  • When storing a concentrated biomass of Tetraselmis chui, you must keep the bottle refrigerated as it is known to spoil at room temperatures

  • Tetraselmis chui needs some artificial light to keep the algal cultures alive - you can switch your automatic fridge light on permanently or even better a blue lighting fixture inside of the fridge as a way to lengthen the shelf life 


Other Nutrient Supplements You Can Try

In addition to Tetraselmis chui, at Reefco Aquariums we offer the following:

  • Rhodomonas salina - This microalgae provides amazing nutrition through golden fats and phycoerythrin, but it can help reduce nasty phosphates and nitrates in saltwater aquariums. As we understand the dynamics in reef systems, we can utilize the microbiology to become even better saltwater aquarists. 
  • Tisochrysis lutea - A microscopic powerhouse that can revolutionize your saltwater aquarium. By incorporating this nutrient-rich food, you will provide your fish, corals, and other invertebrates with a balanced diet that will promote vibrant colors, growth, and overall health. 

If you would like to learn more about the nutritional supplements we offer, contact the Reefco Team today!



Don't let your fish and corals go hungry - add some Tetraselmis chui to your feeding routine and watch your aquarium thrive like never before! Tetraselmis chui is one of the most nutritional foods that has multiple benefits for your any reef aquarium. 

At Reefco Aquariums, our team is always committed to providing the best quality live foods and supplements to customers. Our in-house Tetraselmis chui cultures are produced under optimal conditions to ensure maximum nutritional value to your aquarium. 

by Brian Dunleavy